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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Computer Graphics CMSC 427

A great book on computer graphics (147 pages). The book covers the following topics : Introduction, Graphics Systems and Models, OpenGL Glut, OpenGL Drawing and Viewports, OpenGL Transformations, Geometry and Geometric Programming.Coordinate Frames and Homogeneous Coordinates, Affine Transformations, More Geometric Operators, 3-D Viewing and Orthogonal Projections, Lighting and Shading, The Phong Reflection Model, Texture Mapping, Bump and Environment Mapping, Solid Modeling, Bezier Curves, Bezier Surfaces and B-splines, Ray Tracing, Ray Intersections.
Scan Conversion, Scan Conversion for Polygons, Hidden Surface Removal, Light and Color, X Window System, Ray Polyhedron Intersection, Scan Conversion for Circles, Cohen-Sutherland Line Clipping, Halftone Approximation, 3-D Rotation and Quaternions, Radiosity.

Download Computer Graphics CMSC 427