Herb Schildt's C++ Programming Cookbook (c) by McGraw-Hill Osborne Media
The type of the release is: eBook
In the PDF format with ISBN: 007148860X and Pub Date: April 28, 2008
The size of the release is: 02 disks x 1.44mb
And released on: 07/08/2008
Your Ultimate "How-To" Guide to C++ Programming!
Legendary programming author Herb Schildt shares some of his favorite
programming techniques in this high-powered C++ "cookbook." Organized
for quick reference, each "recipe" shows how to accomplish a practical
programming task. A recipe begins with a list of key ingredients
(classes, functions, and headers) followed by step-by-step instructions
that show how to assemble them into a complete solution. Detailed
discussions explain the how and why behind each step, and a full code
example puts the recipe into action. Each recipe ends with a list of
options and alternatives that suggest ways to adapt the technique to fit
a variety of situations. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced
pro, you'll find recipes that are sure to satisfy your C++ programming
Topics include:
String Handling ?Standard Template Library (STL) Containers ?
Algorithms ?Function Objects ?Binders ?Negators ?Adaptors ?
Iterators ?I/O ?Formatting Data Learn how to:
- Tokenize a null-terminated string
- Create a search and replace function for strings
- Implement subtraction for string objects
- Use the vector, deque, and list sequence containers
- Use the map, multimap, set, and multiset associative containers
- Reverse, rotate, and shuffle a sequence
- Create a function object
- Use binders, negators, and iterator adapters
- Read and write files
- Use stream iterators to handle file I/O
- Use exceptions to handle I/O errors
- Create custom inserters and extractors
- Format date, time, and numeric data
- Use facets and the localization library
- Overload the [ ], ( ), and -> operators
- Create an explicit constructor
- And much, much more
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