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Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Advanced PIC Microcontroller Projects in C: From USB to RTOS with the PIC 18F Series

Product Description

This book is ideal for the engineer, technician, hobbyist and student who have knowledge of the basic principles of PIC microcontrollers and want to develop more advanced applications using the 18F series.The architecture of the PIC 18FXXX series as well as typical oscillator, reset, memory, and input-output circuits is completely detailed. After giving an introduction to programming in C, the book describes the project development cycle in full, giving details of the process of editing, compilation, error handling, programming and the use of specific development tools. The bulk of the book gives full details of tried and tested hands-on projects, such as the 12C BUS, USB BUS, CAN BUS, SPI BUS and real-time operating systems.
* A clear introduction to the PIC 18FXXX microcontroller’s architecture* 20 projects, including developing wireless and sensor network applications, using I2C BUS, USB BUS, CAN BUS and the SPI BUS, which give the block and circuit diagram, program description in PDL, program listing and program description.* Numerous examples of using developmental tools: simulators, in-circuit debuggers (especially ICD2) and emulators* A CDROM of all the programs, hex listings, diagrams, data sheets and tables
From the Back Cover
Over 20 projects for the PIC18 included in this book!
Microchips PIC18 offers a world of possibilities from LEDs to voltmeters to real-time operating systems (RTOSs). Filled with projects, this book starts the reader with an overview of the basic features of microcontrollers followed by a review of the PIC18 series in depth. Also, included is a brief tutorial on the C programming language. The mikroC compiler is used throughout the book with a chapter devoted to its functions and libraries. Currently available development kits are discussed including simulators, emulators, and in-circuit debuggers with examples of what these tools can bring to a project. All of this is in preparation for the challenging projects that you will find between these covers.
Advanced PIC18 projects include:SD Card projects such as: Read CID Register and Display on a PC ScreenUSB-based projects such as: USB-based Microcontroller Input/OutputCAN bus projects such as: Temperature sensorRTOS projects such as: Random number generator