This is likely to be the one ADO.NET book that stays next to my desk for quick reference.
— Dennis Hayes, Dot Net Developer's Journal
(Pro ADO.NET 2.0) stands head and shoulders above its competition.
— Thomas Wagner,
(Sahil Malik) covers stuff that real developers are confronted with over and over everday. He intentionally focuses on problem areas and how to address them. (And) the absolute best thing about this book is it's readability.
— Bill Ryan, Bill's House O Insomnia
Pro ADO.NET 2.0 is a guide and reference for.NET developers who are looking to further their understanding of ADO.NET 2.0.
This book takes a new approach, focusing on the practical tasks like connecting to the database, retrieving data, and working with transactions, rather than rehashing much of the MSDN documentation. Pro ADO.NET 2.0 offers the deep and much needed practical understanding, viewpoint, and knowledge developers are looking for.
This book explains what is available in ADO.NET by associating it with the need to solve a practical problem and better architect an application, rather than mugging up the hundreds of classes and properties available in the framework.
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